Monday, June 16, 2008

She/He have banned us from their tagboard.

We, Online-Adverts, are very upset with this incident. Please read on and be our witness.

We started our new concept of advertising on 15th June 2008. This concept and idea is entirely new to all blogshops and etc. On 17th June 2008, we found this blog, AN IMITATION.

We're not upset with what they are doing, as everyone just want to earn money and do business. Both blogs have the same idea in mind. However We're upset that they stole our concept totally. Even their enquires questions and answers are the same, only being rephrased here and there. They need not create a new link for their Enquires. They need not put photos with links to their enquires. Totally copying ours. I tried emailing them, however their email tends to bounce back. They even have opening sales too, and it's lower than ours. Totally out to get ours.

I feel that each person should have their own originality. Even for those customized shoes and earrings, etc. You, blogshops people, will get angry when someone copy your own hard work design, etc. Why would we be not part of this?

If you were me, what will you feel?

Please be our witness for this. Thank you.



Anonymous said...

they are advertising for you free for a month..
and they said that they are sorry that they are copycats, but that's how they liked it.. O.o

i support u till the end
*they dun have any customers yet*

this is i_spree ]
(using personal livejournal a/c)

xoxo said...

Hi ! :D Yeah ! I think yours is much better than theirs . Firstly you came up with this idea . Secondly they sounded very ... with the but that's how we like it ? Geez . At least they should credit you guys for starting this first .

The way they talk, doubt they will have any customers . Thought yours and theirs were collaboration in the beginning . But now, geez ! To what extend can people go do ?

Anyway, if I need banner adverts, I'll come to you rather than 'em after how they show their apology .